Find ip-address of website with command prompt

Today , i share about how
find the ip address of 
website using command 
-prompt. This article is 
useful for window user
,all window version older
to newer have command
prompt feature.
Shortcut open command
prompt :-Firstly hold the 
window key on your 
keyword. Once bracket 
like option come on 
your pc display. In 
bracket , write "cmd".
After ,then command 
prompt open in your 
pc. So, over main topic
is , how find ip address 
of website with command
prompt .
For find the ip adress ,
Firstly , sure you pc 
have internet connection,
if not , the ip-address finding
command is not working.
If you have internet 
connection ,type 


In command prompt, after
then ip address of google
automatically print.
So, you can use also other
website with the place of . This way 
find too other website


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