Change background and text colour of command prompt

Here , today i share a
amazing trick about how
change the background
colour or text colour of
command prompt.
Here many of people
want to change the
background and text
`colour of command
prompt because they
don't know black
background or white
text. This article is
useful for those people
which don't like black
background or white
text of command prompt.
I tell here step by step
how change colour of
background and text .
firstly ,i explained about
how change text colour
and then about background.

let start changing the colour
of text. How change the
 colour of text of command
prompt .Firstly  open the
command prompt , and type
command :-

  • color a (text in green colour )
  • color b(text in blue colour)
  • color c(text in red colour)
  • color d(text in pink colour)
  • color e(text in yellow color)
  • color f(text in white color)
also try other alphabate for
change the text color .
And also try

  • color 1
  • color 2
  • color 3
like this numerically value also
useful for changing text colour
in command prompt.

HOw change background colour
of command prompt , it command
too similar too text command ,
for changing background colour
type command

  • color ad
  • color bd 
  • color cd
  • color dd
also try

  • color 1d
  • color 2d
  • color 3
this you try another alphabet
or too numerically value too
change the background colour .

READ:- Make undeletable or amazing
 folder with command prompt


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